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Become A PHCC Auxiliary Member Today!2022 Auxiliary Winners Collage

Five Most Important Reasons to Become an Auxiliary Member

  1. Scholarships – Each year the Auxiliary awards an average of $40,000 to students wishing to further their education.
  2. Education – The Auxiliary is committed to educating the public on industry careers, health and safety, professionalism, and the importance of plumbing, heating, and air conditioning to our everyday lives.
  3. Support – The Auxiliary’s highest goal is support and awareness of the PHCC, the PHCC Educational Foundation, the PHCC - National Auxiliary and our Industry Sponsors.
  4. Welcoming Events at Convention – Members, spouses and guests have events to attend and attract them to come to the convention.  These events are open to everyone and provide a great way to communicate our Vision, make lifelong friends, and learn about the industry and the Auxiliary’s Mission.
  5. To provide an avenue of membership to contractors, non-contractors, sponsors, and spouses who wish to support the mission and vision of the PHCC Association and the plumbing and HVACR industries.

Our Mission

The Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors (PHCC) – National Auxiliary supports the ideals of the PHCC Association as related to the plumbing and HVACR industries.  In cooperation with the PHCC - National Association, the Auxiliary promotes public awareness of the industry through education and communication.

Our Vision

  • To educate individuals on the available opportunities in the PHCC organization and industry.
  • To strengthen communication to effectively promote public awareness to all age groups.
  • To be an avenue for members who are not in the industry but want to be involved with Auxiliary’s Mission of improving the organization and the industry. 
  • To help ensure the future of our industry and our organizations through education, promotion, importance, and longevity, not only at convention but throughout the year.

Your Membership Helps the Auxiliary Help You to Educate and Promote Our Industry

Join now using our brand new join online option! 

Regular Membership - $150  

Associate Membership - $150

***The Auxiliary Needs Your Support***

Did You Know?
In 2013 the records of the National Auxiliary were accepted by Smithsonian's National Museum of American History where they reside in the Archives Center for research and historical documentation.
How Did a Group of Plumbers' Wives Change American History?
Initially a social club, the Women's Auxiliary grew to become one of the nation's most influential organizations in the country.


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